Welcome to AgeismHurts.org. Ageism Hurts was created as a forum to stimulate awareness, thought and discussion about ageism. Whether a person is five or ninety-five, there is much to be gained by combating ageism.
AgeismHurts.org was released on April 25, 2011. In the coming months, more functionality will be added to the site, such as a forums section. We will also be actively seeking contributors from the fields of academia, business, medicine, marketing and policy development. Because the site is very new and will be undergoing enhancements in the coming months, you are encouraged to subscribe to remain informed - simply click the "Subscribe" link above the "Main Menu" on the left.
One of the first challenges of fighting ageism is to get people to acknowledge that it exists at all. Although the word "ageism" was first coined by Dr. Robert Butler in 1969, many people are not even familiar with the term, much less aware that ageism operates cunningly at every level of social structure.